
Versteegen E, Macher JM, Rowley SJ, Renema W (2024). Depth associated changes in the community composition of symbionts and prokaryotes associated with Cycloclypeus (Foraminifera, Nummulitidae). J. Foraminiferal Research. 54(1): 65-74

Misra AK, Rowley SJ, Zhou J, Acosta-Maeda TE, Dasiveira L, Ravizza G, Ohtaki K, Weatherby TM, Trimble AZ, Boll P, Porter JN, McKay CP (2022) Biofinder detects biological remains in Green River fish fossils from Eocene epoch at video speed. Scientific Reports. 12:10164,

Lupi F, Rowley SJ, Chyba M, Lanzetta M. (2022) Reconstruction of tubular structures from 2.5D point clouds: A mesophotic gorgonian coral case study. ANZIAM J. 63 (EMAC2021): C1-C14. DOI:

Misra AK, Acosta-Maeda TE, Zhou J, Egan MJ, Dasiveira L, Porter JN, Rowley SJ, Trimble AZ, Boll P, Sandford MW, McKay CP, Abedin MN (2021) Compact Color Biofinder (CoCoBi): Fast, Standoff, Sensitive Detection of Biomolecules and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons for the Detection of Life. Applied Spectroscopy.

Salinas-de-León P, Martí-Puig P, Buglass S, Arnés-Urgellés C, Rastoin-Laplane E, Creemers M, Cairns S, Fisher C, O’Hara T, Ott B, Raineault NA, Reiswig H, Rouse G, Rowley SJ, Shank T, Suarez J, Watling L, Wicksten MK, Marsh L (2020) Characterization of deep‑sea benthic invertebrate megafauna of the Galapagos Islands. Scientific Reports. 10:13894, DOI:org/10.1038/s41598-020-70744-1. 

Schramek TA, Cornuelle BD, Gopalakrishnan G, Colin PL, Rowley SJ, Merrifield MA, Terrill EJ (2019) Tropical Western Pacific thermal structure and its relationship to ocean surface variables: a numerical state estimate and forereef temperature records. Oceanography. 32(4):156–163, DOI:org/10.5670/oceanog.2019.421. 

Freeman L, Freeman S, Gader P, Fick R, Kroeger N, Thode A, Thilges K, Van Uffelen LJ, Rowley SJ, Schindall J, Johnson A (2019) Combined passive acoustic and video monitoring of coral reefs to better understand reef soundscapes and multispecies interactions. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 146(4):2938

Rowley SJ, Roberts TE, Coleman RR, Joseph E, Spalding HL, Dorricott MKI (2019) Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. In Loya Y, Puglise K, Bridge T (Ed.), Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems. Coral Reefs of the World, vol 12. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-92735-0_17

Sánchez JA, Dueñas LF, Rowley SJ, González FL, Vergara DC, Montaño-Salazar SM, Calixto-Botia I, Gómez CE, Abeytia R, Colin PL, Cordeiro RTS, Pérez CD (2019) Gorgonian Corals. In Loya Y, Puglise K, Bridge T (Ed.), Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems. Coral Reefs of the World, vol 12. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-92735-0_39

Spalding HL, Bowen B, Copus J, Kosaki R, Longenecker K, Montgomery A, Padillo-Gamino J, Parrish F, Roth M, Rowley SJ, Toonen R, Pyle R (2019) The Hawaiian Archipelago. In Loya Y, Puglise K, Bridge T (Ed.), Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems. Coral Reefs of the World, vol 12. Springer, Cham. DOI: ​​​​10.1007/978-3-319-92735-0_25

Rowley SJ (2018) Acclimatory capacity of the Gorgonian Isis hippuris Linnaeus, 1758 to environmental change in SE Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology & Ecology. 500: 73–88. DOI:org/10.1016/j.jembe.2017.12.012

Rowley SJ (2018) Environmental gradients structure gorgonian assemblages on coral reefs in SE Sulawesi, Indonesia. Coral Reefs. 37: 609-630. DOI:org/10.1007/s00338-018-1685-y 

Roberts TE, Bridge TCL, Caley MJ, Rowley SJ, Sinniger F, Harii S, Lesser M, Slattery M, Baird AH (2018) The challenge of the deep should not preclude robust ecological analysis. Science.                            

Ekins M, Willis B, Bridge T, Srinivasan M, Rowley SJ, Hooper J (2017) The coral-killing sponge Terpios hoshinota in Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum, Nature 60: 174–175. DOI:10.1082/j.2204-1478.60.2017.2017-02

Wan X, Miller JM, Rowley SJ, Hou S, Donachie SP (2016) Draft genome sequence of a novel Luteimonas sp. strain from Coral Mucus, Hawai’i. Genome Announcement. 4(6):e01228-16. DOI:10.1128/genomeA.01228-16.

Rowley SJ, Pochon X. Watling L (2015) Environmental influences on the Indo-Pacific gorgonian Isis hippuris Linnaeus, 1758 (Alcyonacea: Isididae): genetic fixation or phenotypic plasticity? PeerJ 3:e1128; DOI:10.7717/peerj.1128 

Beaton J, Cowan H, Davies T, Pyle RL, Rowley SJ, Rowley MR, Woombs M (2015) Closed circuit rebreather course: Poseidon Se7en addendum instructor manual. British Sub-Aqua Club, London, UK. pp. 149.

Rowley SJ (2014) Gorgonian responses to environmental change on coral reefs in SE Sulawesi, Indonesia. Doctoral thesis, Victoria University Wellington, New Zealand, pp. 213. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.5126.7682 

Rowley SJ (2014) Refugia in the ‘twilight zone’: discoveries from the Philippines. The Marine Biologist. 2: 18-19. Link

Ransome E, Rowley SJ, Thomas S, Munn CB, Tait K (2014) Disturbance to conserved bacterial communities in the cold water gorgonian coral Eunicella verrucosa. FEMS Microbial Ecology. 90(2): 404-416. DOI:10.1111/1574-6941.12398

Watling L, Rowley SJ, Guinotte SJ (2013) The world’s largest known gorgonian. Zootaxa. 3630(1):198–199. DOI:org/10.11646/zootaxa.3630.1.10

Hall-Spencer JM, Rodolfo-Metalpa R, Martin S, Ransome E, Fine M, Turner SM, Rowley SJ, Tedesco D, Buia MC (2008) Volcanic carbon dioxide vents show ecosystem effects of ocean acidification. Nature. 454: 96-99. DOI:org/10.1038/nature07051

Martin S, Rudolfo-Metalpa R, Ransome E, Rowley SJ, Gattuso JP, Hall-Spencer JM (2008) Effects of naturally acidified seawater on seagrass calcareous epibionts. Biology Letters. DOI:10.1098/rsbl.2008.0412     

Rowley SJ (2008) A critical evaluation of the symbiotic association between tropical tubicolour Polychaetes and their Hermatypic coral hosts, with a focus on Spirobranchus giganteus (Pallas, 1766). Plymouth Student Scientist. 1(2): 335-353. Link

Rowley SJ (2008) Morphological diversity and abundance in the tube-dwelling polychaete Spirobranchus giganteus (Pallas, 1766) in the Indo-Pacific: adaptations to its coral host? Bachelor’s Thesis. University of Plymouth, UK, pp. 24. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3277.3609


Technical Reports

Misra AK, Rowley SJ, Zhou J, Trimble AZ (2022) Wide area ocean surface and subsurface imaging (using passive sensing). ONR-Semiannual Report. p. 10.

Misra AK, Rowley SJ, Zhou J, Boll P, Trimble AZ (2022) Real time detection of sea mines and plastics in ocean waters. ONR-Semiannual Report. pp. 19.

Misra AK, Rowley SJ, Acosta-Maeda TE, Zhou J, Dailveira LA (2022) “Compact Colour Biofinder” (CoCoBi) for fast, non-contact detection of biomarkers, biomolecules, and polyamoratic hydrocarbons in Ocean Worlds. NASA PICASSO Final Report. pp. 32.

Baird A, Arrigoni R, Benzoni F, Bridge T, Hoogenboom M, Hoeksema B, Huang D, Lindfield S, Schmidt-Roach S, Roberts TE, Rowley SJ, Terraneo T (2020) A field guide to the mesophotic corals of Balls Pyramid. Project Phoenix. pp. 1-26.

Misra AK, Acosta-Maeda TE, Rowley SJ, Zhou J, Dasilveira LA (2019) “Compact Colour Biofinder” (CoCoBi) for fast, non-contact detection of biomarkers, biomolecules, and polyaromatic hydrocarbons in Ocean Worlds. NASA PICASSO Semiannual Report. pp. 20.

Rowley SJ, Roberts TE, Coleman RR, Spalding HL, Joseph E, Dorricott MK (2018) Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Conservation Society of Pohnpei, Technical Report. pp.38. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16217.16480

Rowley SJ, Roberts TE, Coleman RR, Spalding HL, Joseph E, Dorricott MK (2018) Lay-Summary: Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Conservation Society of Pohnpei, Technical Report. pp.14. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29638.93763

Rowley SJ (2017) Voyage Report: Rapid Assessment of the Geologist and Lō‘ihi Seamounts. Conservation International & HURL Technical Report. pp. 27. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.28815.59044

Rowley SJ (2016) Exploration and Systematics of Deep-Reef Gorgonian Corals at Pakin Atoll, Micronesia. Systematic Research Fund. Technical Report. pp. 9. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.21953.86886 

Clark M, Anderson O, Bowden O, Chin C, George S, Glasgow D, Guinotte J, Hererra S, Osterhage D, Pallentin A, Parker S, Rowley SJ, Stewart R, Tracey D, Wood S, Zeng C (2014) Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems of the Louisville Seamount Chain: voyage report of a survey to evaluate the efficacy of preliminary habitat suitability models. NIWA Technical Report. pp.83. Link


Publications in Review

Rowley SJ, McFadden (in prep.). Phylogenetic diversity of the mesophotic gorgonians of the Senyavin Islands, FSM. Scientific Reports.

Rowley SJ, Misra AK, Acosta-Maeda TE, Zhoy J, Boll P, Trimble AZ (in prep.). The Compact Color Biofinder” (CoCoBi): fast, standoff, and sensitive detection of biological material in aquatic and terrestrial systems. J. Optics.

Rowley SJ, Briggs R, Padillo-Gamino J, Jompa J (in prep.). Addaptive capacity through coprophagy of the zooxanthellate gorgonian Isis hippuris Linnaeus, 1758 (Alcyonacea: Isididae) on degraded reefs of Indonesia. Coral Reefs.

Rowley SJ, Melbourne-Thomas J, Attrill MJ (in prep.). Coral-host morphology structures the distribution of Spirobranchus corniculatus complex s.l. on Indonesian coral reefs. Marine Biology. 

Rowley SJ, Mokuahi AC (in prep.). New methods in gorgonian octocoral curation: effective preservation and storage for a research laboratory. Peer J.

Rowley SJ, Thomas S, Ransome E, Munn CB (in prep.) Environmental and temporal variability on Eunicella verrucosa and associated microbial communities. Marine Ecology Progress Series.